Saturday, November 8, 2008

Eh, What..?

Okay...these are some random thoughts going on in my mind right now-

Mehendi smells awful. And looks stupid as well if you are wearing a Slayer t shirt.

I hate change of weather sardi .

Weddings have to be the single most bitter-sweet event in the world.

I can't wait for college to start again.

Dream Theater is a great band.

I wish I had a faster internet connection.

I wish I could play the guitar better.

I long to see you again.

You know you're right. Also the Nirvana song.

Tell me how to win your hert, for I have'nt got a clue. But let me start by saying.. I love you.

The above sentence is horribly cheesy. 

The below sentence is true.

I love Jaymz Hetfield. I worship him. I adore him.

There are too many random thoughts in my head right now.

I must SERIOUSLY do something about overuse of emoticons :\

And overusing 'lol'.


AAAAAAAi have become comfortably numb.

I'm gonna be 18 till I die.

I turn 19 in exactly 20 days.


I wish people would stop snooping around. Really. It's horribly annoying. Mind your own goddamned business. Do I poke around in yours? 

I wish my sinus would dissappear. 

I need to get my 2 wheeler license. Though I ride a gearless two wheeler way better  than Mum. 

I'm bored.

Welcome to the machine. Have a cigar.

I want to break free. 

R.I.P- Cliff Burton, Dimebag Darrell, Fredie Mercury, Kurt Cobain. 

Nirvana is not a c***t band.

Metallica is god!

James for president.

I hate you, Dave Mustaine.

Yayy! for Obama.

Yo Momma's face is so oily, the US and Iraq are gonna fight over it.

I'm through with being random for one day.

Thank you, come again.


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Yeah, so here I am finally. Completely pissed off and all ready to spill my heart out by writing. Wasn't I supposed to do this like, same time..last year? Well, at least I am!

I want to be left alone. Or maybe not. I neded a break. Desperately so. I took one.

And looks like I was better off before the entire break fiasco. 

I spoke to chotti mum Sni last night. We realised we were more or less in the same boat. Misunderstood, unsatisfied with things and betrayed to a certian extent. 

I wonder if it's a good idea to write it down at all. Maybe I should'nt. But then what? 

Maybe I should give it a shot. Write for a while. Lets see where it takes me. Back to square one or on a path of self realisation.