Saturday, October 10, 2009

Words are all I have...

Wow, Sneha just inspired me to start blogging again. I'm sure she isn't even aware. At a time when even twitter is starting to bore the hell out of me, I'm back to the Pappa, the blog instead of trying to cram in my thoughts in a measly 180 characters.

Like Alan Shore says in Boston Legal, "Words are my friends. I don't know what I'd do without them." Oh man, don't I agree with him. It's a woefully difficult task to edit words in my mind and tweet it out; the end result often resembling a poorly typed out SMS.

What is the big deal about twitter anyway? People often tweet at the rate of 15 in as many minutes on my list. To search for a particular person's tweet is one mammoth task. And I always thought blogging was pointless.

I'm halfway through the third year of BMM (woohoo!) and I am in serious need of doing some thinking.

One, I'm losing my friends, my words. Never ever have I felt so helpless and so much at a loss for them. I cannot seem to pinpoint the real reason for it. Influence of other people I'm surrounded with, who of course speak in 'Indian English' is not a reason surely. I speak Hinglish too. But when I wrote, good English came naturally to me. I don't mean to sound vain. It's a gift I have (rather, had) and I treasure it. But they seem to be reluctant to come to me.

Maybe I should start reading full-time again. And writing... Yes, write, I have to. The gift of gab is too precious to me to let it wither away. It's time for desperate measures.

There! I blogged. Now, could I have fit this in 180 characters? I bet I'd need even less.

nishtha_k: at a loss for words :P :(