Saturday, January 9, 2010

This Is The End, My Friend

A friendship died a couple of months ago. I didn't feel like writing about it before. But seems like its time now.

Friends come and go. Some friends hang around forever, with most the equation changes over time and the rest fade out from your scheme of things and leave behind sepia tinted memories. This one met with a different fate. An abrupt end. 

A companionship of years torn apart by non adherence to the one simple principle of friendship- truth. Yeah, I sound like a cry-baby, a whiner. So sue me. I've lost a lot. 

Sigh, there I go again losing my will to write about it. Who cares anyway. And even if you do, there isn't much you can do. There isn't much I can do either. 

I simply wish this didn't have to happen. I haven't had the will to tell the person in question about The End. Probably, they know. I know I'm probably being a bitch by not telling already, getting hopes up. But I really do not want to go that way again.

I tried and I tried for years. To salvage the friendship. Tried to make them see that what they were doing was wrong. I don't know where I fell short. As a person, as a friend. But is it right to blame myself? Anyone who knew the two of us, would say that I shouldn't. But what good is the friendship if you can't grow as a person? 

I always told my friends, "I'll warn you that there is a ditch right ahead, several times in fact. I'll warn you till the very last minute. Falling into it would be your choice, I won't pull you away. Everyone needs to make their own shares of mistakes. But I'll be there to lend you a hand, help you out of the ditch. We're friends" But for how long? There has to be a limit to how many times  you want to subject yourself to falling right? Wrong. 

I failed a friend. All 'cause I couldn't save them from themselves. I wish you the best D, and I hope you can run away from yourself. 

1 comment:

Apoorv Jain said...

Awesomely written ! :)